eco fabrics like no other.

By-product Elegance
Silviyana relies on the faithful trust between scrappers and farmers. This has been a long, trusted relationship between two stakeholders. We hope that in time, we gain the trust of the farmers. All of our scrappers get their fibers from small scale pineapple producers in the province of Southern Aklan. The local variety of this pineapple produces sweeter, and smaller pineapples but with long leaves, that gives us long strands of pineapple leaves as a strong base of our eco fabric.
Silviyana understands that cash-flow is among the biggest problem in running an independent operation, as such, Silviyana invests in the community directly, by giving scrappers their much-needed capital to do their job. Scrappers are given money up-front; this helps them pay for all their expenses without the worry of day-to-day business expenses.
The process of extracting fiber from pineapple leaf is a manual process that is most kind to Mother Earth. The fibers are first scrapped using a broken plate, then washed in a nearby river and hung to dry. No chemicals, no machinery, just human talent, the sun and the river.